Sunday, 2 March 2025

March 2 2025



March 2 2025 

Nature Moncton members as well as any naturalist in New Brunswick or beyond are invited to share their photos and descriptions of recent nature sightings to build a fresh (almost) daily edition of Nature News



To respond by e-mail, please address your message to the information line editor, .


Please advise the editor at  and proofreader Louise Nichols at if any errors are noted in wording or photo labelling.

For more information on Nature Moncton, check the website at


Proofreading courtesy of Louise Nichols

**Still a good supply of bird feeders and bee nest boxes available. Contact for in-town pick-up.


**Becky Gillcash photographed an ‘odd duck’ while on a hike in Mapleton Park on Saturday. It is suspected to be a domestic origin duck, which was confirmed by Ron Arsenault

 **Christine Lever saw an article in The Guardian on Saturday that led her to think we are so fortunate in NB to see so much wildlife, but we may not appreciate just how vital each species is to OUR quality of life. The very eye-opening article can be read by opening the link below: 



**David Cannon advises that it is required to announce two weeks before our March 18th meeting that Nature Moncton intends to vote on a change in the by-laws; therefore, David gives the notice below:


“Nature Moncton memberships currently all expire on September 30th of each year. If someone joins now in March, their membership expires this September. The bylaw change is to have all memberships expire one full year after a member joins. That also means we don't have 150 memberships all expire on one day but are spread out more evenly through the year. To make this change, it is necessary to amend article 7.4 of our Constitution to read as: "Membership dues, as set by the Board, are renewable on the anniversary date of each membership.", instead of "at the beginning of each fiscal year.".

This amendment will be voted on at the March 18th Nature Moncton meeting. If it is passed, all new members who joined us since October 1, 2024, will get a full year of membership instead of less. If you have any questions, David Cannon, Nature Moncton Treasurer, can be reached at . We look forward to the membership supporting this amendment on March 18th. 




 Nelson Poirier

Nature Moncton