March 3 2025
Nature Moncton members as well as any
naturalist in New Brunswick or beyond are invited to share their photos
and descriptions of recent nature sightings to build a fresh (almost) daily
edition of Nature News
To respond by e-mail, please address your message to the
information line editor, .
Please advise the editor at and proofreader Louise Nichols at if any errors are noted in wording or photo labelling.
For more information on Nature Moncton, check the website
Proofreading courtesy of Louise Nichols
**The clear cloudless dusk in Miramichi on Sunday night
allowed Nelson Poirier to get an observation of the planet Mercury as it
briefly rose into the sky at approximately 6:45 PM. It is difficult to see in
the photo showing the Moon, Venus, and Mercury together, but it was fairly visible with binoculars and with the camera when it was zoomed in solo. It
should also be visible in the nights to follow.
This observation was made from the same bridge abutment where
many folks gathered to witness the total solar eclipse.
**Brian Stone visited Mapleton Park on Sunday afternoon
and got some photos of the interesting members of the local duck troupe,
including the domestic origin duck (that Judy Gillcash saw on Friday), getting several photographic angles. Some
of the hybrid mallards were present as well.
Nature Moncton