Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

January 27 2015

** Elaine Gallant spotted a  BROWN CREEPER [Grimpereau brun] on Sunday working a large tree on the trail that leads through the area to be replaced by a large campground development in the Pointe-du-Chene area.
** The  COMMON REDPOLLS [Sizerin flammé] and PINE SISKINS [Tarin des pins] are really moving into feeder yards at full speed.  Rosaire Richard comments his Finch invasion of 80+ Redpolls and a large number of Pine Siskins as well arrived to his Cocagne feeder yard over the weekend.
** Dale Gaskin is yet another to report a sudden arrival of high numbers of COMMON REDPOLLS [Sizerin flammé] to his Dawson Settlement Rd feeder yard commenting they seem to have no fear acting like flies around his feet, and 2 even landed on him while refuelling feeders!!!  Dale comments he has gone through more niger seed in the past 3 days than he did all last winter.  He’s also hosting 12 to 14 EVENING GROSBEAKS [Gros-bec errant] that have been very regular the past 3 days.
** A very well dressed RING-NECKED PHEASANT [Faisan de Colchide] dropped by Brian Stone’s yard on Monday for a portrait sitting.
Nelson Poirier,
Nature Moncton