Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Wednesday 20 May 2015

May 20 2015

** Margaret Murray had a male EASTERN BLUEBIRD arrive to her Scotch Settlement yard on Monday. She had 12 nest boxes out and 11 had been occupied by TREE SWALLOWS. The tree swallows bombed the bluebird as it investigated the available house. Margaret got more nest boxes up on Tuesday in hope that it would take the new boxes. She also saw a CLIFF SWALLOW constructing a mud nest at the end of a large garage on her property. Margaret also has two male ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAKS and a female at the moment and as of Wednesday morning had a male and female Baltimore Oriole arrive to add to the excitement. 
Jim Johnson, who lives not far from Margaret, noted his first eastern bluebird on Wednesday morning. Both Margaret and Jim have have hosted eastern bluebirds previously, so hopefully this is not the same male scout. 
** Normand Bourque, who lives at 130 Belliveau Rd. in the Shediac River area, has hosted eastern bluebirds for many years and often seemed to be among the first to have them return. In 2012 they arrived on March 23, this year much later than usual with the first one having just returned.
Bob Betts dropped by and got a photo. The Bourque's maintain feeders and nest boxes and birders are welcome to drop by. 
** Richard Blacquiere came across a male RUDDY duck in the Hampton  lagoon on Tuesday. The male ruddy duck usually is in full breeding plumage by now but this one seems to be running a bit late but in progress. The ruddy duck seems to very much favour lagoons. The Arthur St. lagoon in Memramcook has become a ruddy duck hotspot and maybe Richard has spotted a pioneer to the Hampton lagoon. 
** John Massey has white-tailed deer to his Dieppe yard regularly. He is noting one of them had an injured front leg earlier but got a photo to show it seems to have healed and well enough for it to get about fine. He captured a nice side view of a pair of AMERICAN WIGEON at the Sackville Waterfowl Park. He spotted a pair of RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS in Bouctouche Bay, very serious about the mating game, a male RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD was very loudly announcing its territory in Hillsborough as suspect many cattail marshes are filled with at the moment. He also noted a MOURNING DOVE making wild wing displays which John assumed was to send off the only other bird nearby at the time a MALLARD duck, a YELLOW-RUMPED warbler shows one of the reasons for its name and a late leaving immature ICELAND GULL still in the area. 
** Clarence Cormier continues to get his local influx of BOBOLINKS which is just great news to hear from this species. He is seeing at least ten around his house area and hearing them vocalizing in a field in front and behind his home, which should be acceptable nesting areas. Clarence had a sudden arrival of a flock of 25+ BLUE JAYS on Tuesday. They tried to eat everything in sight and moved on and so apparently a migrating flock. Clarence has three rose breasted grosbeaks as of Tuesday, one of which is a first summer male showing its orange shaded breast and dark brown plumage compared to the striking red and black tones of adult males. 

Aldo Dorio shares photos of a Northern Flicker at its nest hole as well as a Rose-breasted Grosbeak male and a Savannah Sparrow at Hay Island Nature Park.
** I put out pink grapefruit sections and grape jelly to attract orioles. No orioles seen but a GRAY CATBIRD is very much enjoying the booty, especially the grape jelly, and very vocal about its find on Wednesday morning.

Nelson Poirier,
Nature Moncton
                                  AMERICAN WIGEON PAIR.MAY 19,2015.JOHN MASSEY

                                 EASTERN BLUEBIRD(MALE).MAY 19, 2015.BOB BETTS

                                    GRAY CATBIRD.MAY 20, 2015.NELSON POIRIER

                                             ICELAND GULL (IMMATURE).MAY 19,2015.JOHN MASSEY

                                        MOURNING DOVE..MAY 19,2015.JOHN MASSEY

                                       MOURNING DOVE..MAY 19,2015.JOHN MASSEY

                           NORTHERN FLICKER (MALE) IN RESIDENCE.MAY 19, 2015.ALDO DORIO

                                                 red winged blackbird may 17 2015  john massey



                                RUDDY DUCK.MAY 18, 2015.RICHARD BLACQUIERE

                                SAVANNAH SPARROW.MAY 19, 2015.ALDO DORIO

                            WHITE-TAILED DEER..MAY 19,2015.JOHN MASSEY

                         YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER.MAY 19,2015.JOHN MASSEY