Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Thursday 22 October 2015

Oct 22 2015

An important head’s up notice. Due to unseen circumstances the Intertidal Workshop and Field Trip scheduled for this coming Saturday and Sunday will be postponed until next spring.
** Louise and Maurice Richard were suspecting a BLACK BEAR was visiting their apple tree by their Acadieville cabin.  Maurice set up a camera and got a video of a very content BLACK BEAR enjoying the apple crop on Tuesday night.
Aldo Dorio photographed a White-throated Sparrow from the rear that could easily be mistaken for a White-crowned Sparrow from that position. Note the head marking arrangement. He also got a photo of a fall issue Palm Warbler.
** Brian Stone and I made an impromptu run to the Tantramar Marsh just in advance of a dusk on Wednesday to check for a SHORT-EARED OWL [Hibou des marais]. We did see a few as dusk settled but it was getting quite dark before they moved into the area we had staked out. It was hard to say how many may be there. It is a huge marsh but there are a few for sure. Too late in the day for photos but a fantastic sunset, RING-NECKED PHEASANTS [Faisan de Colchide] were active as expected but no other notable bird activity other than some migrating duck pods were noted.
Nelson Poirier
Nature Moncton



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