Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Saturday 24 October 2015

Oct 24 2015

**We’ve not heard from Doreen Rossiter’s bellwether Alma feeder yard much of late. She comments that 21 Pigeons [Pigeon] have forced her to use hanging feeders only, and not using any ground-spread seed, which has really cut down her patron list to a small group of expected species. However, a pleasant new visitor on Friday morning was a male NORTHERN CARDINAL [Cardinal rouge]. Doreen comments on her group of CHIPMUNKS [Suisse] that have carried off almost 25 pounds of cracked corn put out in an area for them but are slowing down with the cooler weather. Doreen has a large HIGH BUSH-CRANBERRY [Viorne trilobée] bush in her yard. She wondered why the bush was stripped of berries before winter birds had a crack at them last year. This year she knows what happened, as she saw her Chipmunk troop carry every berry away while they were still green. She also comments it seems only Crows [Corneille] and Ravens [Grand Corbeau] are harvesting the Mountain Ash [Sorbier des oiseaux] berries near her yard, not seeing Robins [Merle d'Amérique] working them as yet.

**Clarence Cormier comments on spotting a male RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET [Roitelet à couronne rubis] in his Grande Digue yard on Friday. This species is probably moving south at the moment, but is a hardy species, and the odd one does show up in winter.

**The advance guard of SNOW BUNTINGS [Plectrophane des neiges] must be en route: Aldo Dorio photographed a lone Snow Bunting at Hay Island Park on Friday.

Nelson Poirier

Nature Moncton