Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Thursday 5 November 2015

Nov 5 2015

** The leaves are falling and the winter buds are forming. Aldo Dorio got a photo of a RUFFED GROUSE [Gélinotte huppée] on Wednesday starting to forage on its winter larder of nutritionally packed buds.
**GREAT BLUE HERON [Grand Héron] are lingering as they often do with water very much open. Jean-Paul and Stella Leblanc noted one in a tree on the walking trail to the Pays de Sagouine in Buctouche on Wednesday before it lifted off. Their LARK SPARROW [Bruant à joues marron] continues to be a daily patron to their Bouctouche yard.
** There have not been many bird feeder yard reports coming in so a good week to be hearing from people about what people are getting in advance of Sunday afternoon’s Nature Moncton Bird feeding Workshop. Recent weather has been mild which usually means birds have been finding lots of wild food however that will soon change. From reports it is going to be a bonanza birding winter from watching the reports of species moving in from the North and West. At my own feeder yard AMERICAN GOLDFINCH [Chardonneret jaune are there in significant numbers followed by HOUSE FINCH [Roselin familier, BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEE [Mésange à tête noire and BLUE JAYS [Geai bleu]. SPARROWS include several SONG SPARROWS [Bruant chanteur], one WHITE-THROATED SPARROW [Bruant à gorge blanche] and one CHIPPING SPARROW [Bruant familier], but no AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS [Bruant hudsonien] as yet. MOURNING DOVES [Tourterelle triste] and a few DOWNY WOODPECKERS [Pic mineur] and HAIRY WOODPECKERS [Pic chevelu] are patrons. A  PILEATED WOODPECKER [Grand pic] has visited the grapes. A NORTHERN FLICKER [Pic flamboyant] is checking out peanut butter and remnant RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS [Carouge à épaulettes ] and COMMON GRACKLES [Quiscale bronzé] remain. The most popular food items at the moment are sunflower chips, white millet and peanut butter. Looking forward to lots more soon, and wondering what others are getting.      
Nelson Poirier

Nature Moncton