Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Saturday 12 December 2015

Dec 12 2015

**The unseasonably high temperatures of the past few days seems to have some critters active that normally would not be. Jules Cormier spotted a FROG [Grenouille] leaping about on a dirt road near a stream near Memramcook on Friday. He comments he has never seen a Frog active this late in the season. He felt it to be a GREEN FROG [Grenouille verte].

**Jules comments he is also seeing more RED-TAILED HAWKS [Buse à queue rousse] in the Memramcook-Dorchester-Sackville area this year. He also saw two dark morph ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS [Buse pattue] in the Memramcook area, a species he has not seen in that area the past few years.

Nelson Poirier

Nature Moncton