Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Thursday 14 January 2016

Jan 14, 2016

**  Jean-Paul LeBlanc reports that a plump EASTERN GRAY SQUIRREL [Écureuil gris] has been providing entertainment at TUFTED TITMOUSE [Mésange bicolore] headquarters in Bouctouche recently. He also says that their faithful NORTHERN CARDINAL [Cardinal rouge] made the plunge to take black oil sunflower seeds from a hanging feeder during the storm. It had always foraged on fallen seed, pre-storm.
**  January’s Nature Moncton meeting will be the annual members’ night, scheduled for next Tuesday night, January 19 at Mapleton Rotary Lodge. Nature Moncton is a very diversified group with many interests and this is the time to share some of those interests in short, 5 to 15 minute vignettes that can be on any subject in nature, from humorous skits, interesting places visited, poems, good books read, and lots more.
Leave your name and subject with past president John Foster by phone at 384-7212, or e-mail  fosterjs@nb.sympatico.ca  Contact John A.S.A.P. so he can plan the program for the evening.
Next meeting will be John’s last night as president, as he has tendered his resignation to pursue other interests. John has faithfully led Nature Moncton for several years, and his attentiveness and guidance have been truly appreciated.
A nominating committee will be formed very shortly. Both president and vice-president positions will need to be filled. If anyone would like to volunteer for either of these, please offer your name by leaving a message on the Information Line at 384-6397, or responding to any e-mail to the Nature Moncton distribution list. Your response will be forwarded to the nominating committee soon to be announced.
Nelson Poirier

Nature Moncton