** Dave Christie experienced a PINE
SISKIN [Tarin des pins] scenario on Monday after the storm subsided that
was new for the season. During the storm period on Sunday and Monday Dave only
saw 1 lone Pine Siskin appear around feeders; however as things cleared on
Monday a flock of approximately 30 Pine Siskins came to bushes around the feeder
area loudly singing and vocalizing for some time but never came to feed at the
feeders, seemingly to have some other motive on mind. Dave also comments the SNOW
BUNTINGS [Bruant des neiges] that came in during the storm did not return
the next day.
** On Tuesday morning as the sun rose in the eastern sky, 2
large SUN DOGS were visible on either side of the sun, as large as I’ve ever
seen. It was difficult to photograph without a panoramic photo but did get one
view of one over the houses before it disappeared.
Nelson Poirier
Nature Moncton