** Jocelyne Ross got a photo of a GRAY SEAL [Phoque gris] on the ice off
Pointe-du-Chêne wharf on March 28 and also a photo of a just-arrived,
sharply-dressed GREAT BLUE HERON [Grand Héron] at Parlee Beach marsh on
** Clarence Cormier reports noting 15 SONG SPARROWS [Bruant chanteur]
around his Grand-Digue home on Sunday, along with numerous COMMON GRACKLES
[Quiscale bronzé] and RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS [Carouge à épaulettes]. He has ten
female RING-NECKED PHEASANTS [Faisan de Colchide] appearing with a single male.
His resident SNOWSHOE HARE [Lièvre d'Amérique] is still showing a lot of white
pelage, making it very obvious with the lack of snow cover.
** The waxwing flock polished off all apples in my yard on the warm day on
Sunday. Things changed on Monday morning when they went to the frozen remnants
of mountain-ash berries from fall but found the frozen-hard remnants of cull
apples too hard to forage on.
Nelson Poirier