Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Tuesday 14 June 2016

June 14 2016

** Oscar LeBlanc has 12 TREE SWALLOW [Hirondelle bicolore] boxes he maintains on his Sainte-Marie-de-Kent property which is basically a large open field of scattered trees bordering the Bouctouche River. Oscar has had the nest box arrangement set up for fifteen years and it's firmly established. Oscar reports that this year every box is occupied but to his pleasant surprise after fifteen years, a pair of EASTERN BLUEBIRDS [Merlebleu de l'Est] have finally showed up. As soon as he saw them he moved an unoccupied box to where he had seen them and within a half hour they were entering and checking the box for summer cottage possibilities. They are now carrying nesting materials in and out and occupation of the box seem certain.
Oscar also reports a friend across the Bouctouche River from him had a pair of Eastern Bluebirds arrive last week and seem to be setting up housekeeping as well. The large number of reports of Eastern Bluebirds taking up housekeeping is wonderful to hear. Oscar also comments he was pleased to have a Baltimore Oriole drop by his Sainte-Marie-de-Kent property  on Monday.
** A heads-up on a Nature Photography exhibition that will be held from July 2nd to July 30th at the historical old church in Grand-Barachois. The exhibit called Precious Wings will feature the work of well known freelance nature photographer Clarence Nowlan. A write up of the announcement is attached to this transcription.

Precious Wings II from July 2nd to 30th 2016

Discover the secret life of birds through a series of exquisite colour photographs. Throughout the month
of July, the Léon Léger Gallery is pleased to welcome award-winning  photographer  Clarence Nowlan and his  second series  “Precious Wings II.”
The exhibit is a carefully gathered collection of colour photographs of wild birds from New Brunswick,
Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.  It depicts bird behaviour, action and habitats as captured
through the lens of a 35 mm digital camera.
Born in New Brunswick, freelance photographer Clarence Nowlan is an accomplished and award winning
photographer having won medals and awards from the Canadian Association for Photographic Art as
well as the Photographic Society of America and Canadian Geographics, Airlines Magazine, Saltscapes
Magazine and 7 historical and biographical books.   He is also the author of a historical book entitled,
“Rockport Portraits”.
His most recent photographic exhibitions were held at the Moncton Public Library for the month of
Sept. 2014 and at the Moncton International  Airport Art Gallery for the months of July and August 2015.
A Naturalist at heart, Clarence uses his photographic skills to interpret the natural world around him.  He
says “Images created from the heart have a way of connecting with the viewer.”

** There are no photos submitted for today, rainy days do that, so I am going to add some examples of the Sphinx Moths that have been visiting my moth sheet the past few nights along with many other moth species coming without photos added. I will not be able to check that sheet the next five nights so I expect that I will be missing a lot of action. It's a great time to check out public areas with florescent lights shining on light colored walls for these gems.

Nelson Poirier,

Nature Moncton