Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Sunday 12 February 2017

Feb 12 2017


 Please advise editor at nelson@nb.sympatico.ca if any errors are noted in wording or photo labeling.

For more information on Nature Moncton, check into the website at

Edited by: Nelson Poirier nelson@nb.sympatico.ca
Transcript by: Louise Nichols nicholsl@eastlink.ca
Info Line # 506-384-6397 (384-NEWS)
To respond by e-mail, please address your message to the information line editor nelson@nb.sympatico.ca.

 ** Jamie Burris reports that things seem to be unexpectedly quiet around his Riverview feeder yard, but was pleased to have a BOHEMIAN WAXWING [Jaseur boréal] come by on Saturday morning to check out the Mountain Ash shrub.  Hopefully, it was just a scout that will bring back the rest of its kin for a visit – and a second one did arrive later in the day.

** As a heads-up, the Nature Moncton bird feeder tour is scheduled for next Saturday, February 18th , with the now becoming traditional start at Billy and Jean Renton’s with a country breakfast waiting to fuel the start of the day of shorter stops to end up at Pat Poirier’s in the afternoon for additional fuel.  The write-up is added, but itinerary in between the first and last stops may change.  Note contact phone numbers to join the group at any time.

Date: Saturday, February 18, 2017.
The time for Nature Moncton’s Winter Bird Feeder Tour is fast approaching.
This now annual winter outing has been organised by the Nature Moncton Activities Committee members and we hope to see a good turnout this year.

I want to thank the members who have allowed us to come to view the birds visiting their feeders.
Special thanks to two members who will be welcoming us into their homes as well. The first stop on the tour will be at the Renton’s home as they have once again graciously invited us to watch the variety of birds visiting their many feeders while enjoying some warm breakfast refreshments. The tour will end at Pat & Nelson Poirier’s where we will be able to see first hand Nelson’s great ideas for bird feeding stations.
Remember: Come prepared with a supply of water, your binoculars, camera etc. You will need to wear warm layers of clothing and boots as we will be out most of the morning.

General schedule:
  1. 8:45 am: Meet at Coliseum parking lot to organise car pooling.
  2. 9:00 am: Leave promptly to drive to the Renton's on 1460 Gorge Rd., Stilesville
  3. 11:00 Mapleton Park: Gorge Rd entrance
  4. 11:30 pm: Bob Blake who lives in Second North River

  5. 1:30 pm: Nelson & Pat Poirier on 85 Mount Royal Blvd., Moncton

A printout of the final itinerary with directions will be available when we meet at the Coliseum parking lot.
The contact cell phone numbers are: 506-381-3284 or 506-866-2752.

Nelson Poirier,

Nature Moncton