Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Dec 6 2018

NATURE MONCTON INFORMATION LINE, December 06, 2018 (Thursday)

To view the photos mentioned in this edition go to http://nminfoline.blogspot.ca .

To respond by e-mail, please address your message to the information line editor,  nelsonpoirier435@gmail.com .

Please advise the editor at nelsonpoirier435@gmail.com  if any errors are noted in wording or photo labelling. Note that corrections, deletions, or delayed additions may not always appear on the Info Line and email transcript but will always appear on the BlogSpot. For this reason, it is recommended that those wishing to look at historical records use the BlogSpot rather than the email transcript. The BlogSpot can always be accessed from the website.

 For more information on Nature Moncton, check the website at 
www.naturemoncton.com .

Edited by: Nelson Poirier nelsonpoirier435@gmail.com
Transcript by: bjpstone@gmail.com
Info Line # 506-384-6397 (384-NEWS)

**John Massey lives in Dieppe, but in a spot where there is a wooded area around him before getting to the next housing area. It has become very surprising the number of WHITE-TAILED DEER [Cerf de Virginie] that have that area as a territory. John comments that he now has a full complement of Santa’s deer that includes three bucks, four young of the year, and at least seven others to make up a herd of at least fourteen. From John’s photos they look to be healthy and happy. The bucks will be losing their antlers over the next month.

A short report on my own feeder area. The AMERICAN GOLDFINCH and PINE SISKIN combo have rocketed to 60+ but sparrows have declined to a few WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS, several AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS, and one SONG SPARROW. A NORTHERN FLICKER is regular but RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER and NORTHERN CARDINALS have not been seen in a few days. Several HOUSE FINCHES are daily patrons as well as other expected regulars. The waterer is VERY popular. 

Nelson Poirier,
Nature Moncton