December 5,
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Edited by
Nelson Poirier
courtesy of Louise Nichols at
With snow coming down, Jane LeBlanc in St.
Martins had several species in her yard...the regulars plus American Goldfinch,
Northern Cardinal, Purple Finch, and White-throated Sparrow. Her 'photo set-up'
is proving useful as well as the nearby Witch Hazel shrub.
(Editor's note: note the Witch Hazel shrub still in bloom in December in one photo.)
**Mike Plourde maintains a trail camera directed at a Beaver
dam on the Humphrey Brook Trail in Moncton. On December 1, the camera picked up
a Bobcat on that Beaver dam and Mike shares the photos.
Mike also points out that he had 2 bird nest boxes on
Wheeler Boulevard, and both were occupied this past season.
**Gordon Rattray has been fortunate to have had a Red-Bellied Woodpecker
visiting almost daily since first observed on Nov 16.
He believes it is a
male. The bird at first was coming to Black Oil Sunflower seeds but is
more often now seen on suet. A couple of days ago Gordon watched for some
time as he took sunflower seeds and carried them away only to return quickly
for more. As he appears to be filling a cache for later, maybe he has taken out a winter
rental in the area.
Gordon has also had a visit
from a Brown Creeper. These in the past have been very regular to Gordon’s
yard. No photo yet.
Brun spotted a sizable flock of Snow Bunting in flight on the Dieppe
Marsh near the Bend of The Petitcodiac River on Monday.
He had seen
this flock a couple of days before but the birds were too far away and scattered; however, luck
made it possible for him to capture some photos before the snowfall.
Nelson Poirier
Nature Moncton