October 8,
Nature Moncton members as well as any naturalist in New Brunswick or beyond are
invited to share their photos and descriptions of recent nature sightings to
build a fresh (almost) daily edition of Nature News
To respond by e-mail, please address
your message to the information line editor, .
Please advise the editor at if any
errors are noted in wording or photo labelling.
For more information on Nature Moncton, check the website at .
Proofreading courtesy of Louise Nichols at
**Louise Nichols, as chair of the Presentations
Committee for Nature Moncton, is looking for members who would be willing to
give short 15-minute presentations after the break at our monthly
meetings. These presentations can be on any topic related to nature --
something that you saw that was of interest, a collection of photographs from a
place you visited, or just general photos that you particularly like and want
to share. If you have something you would like to present, please contact
Louise at Our next meeting is next Tuesday, October
**Maureen Girvan photographed a Western Conifer Seed Bug at Centennial Park on Monday. This is a very common ¾ inch bug seen this
time of year, especially as it likes to join us in our homes to overwinter.
Another photo of the Western Conifer Seed Bug was featured yesterday with a description of the life
and times of this bug. Scroll back to yesterday’s edition for more information.
**Andy Stultz, one of the crew aboard a Coast Guard vessel in the Northwest Territories, sends more photos of some of the interesting things they encounter.
**With mushroom appreciation season in full swing, it’s a chance to
feature another choice edible.
Nelson Poirier and Larry Sherrard photographed a Hedgehog
mushroom on Monday to show the underside arrangement resembling sharp teeth/spike-like
which is a nice ID feature to look for along with the pale brown cap and no
partial veil.
**The paragraph of text accompanying Leon Gagnon’s butterfly
sightings on Miscou Island this past summer was not with yesterday’s edition
until midmorning. If you missed it and want to read the text, scroll back to
yesterday’s edition.
**Lynn Dube captured a photo of her grandson on a mission with a
bug net. Get them while they’re young!!
Nelson Poirier
Nature Moncton