Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Thursday, 2 January 2025

January 2 2025





January 2, 2025


Nature Moncton members as well as any naturalist in New Brunswick or beyond are invited to share their photos and descriptions of recent nature sightings to build a fresh (almost) daily edition of Nature News



To respond by e-mail, please address your message to the information line editor,  nelsonpoirier435@gmail.com .


Please advise the editor at nelsonpoirier435@gmail.com  and proofreader Louise Nichols at Nicholsl@eastlink.ca if any errors are noted in wording or photo labelling.

For more information on Nature Moncton, check the website at
www.naturemoncton.com .



Proofreading courtesy of Louise Nichols at nicholsl@eastlink.ca


**John Inman has had a new Sharp-shinned Hawk arrive to his Harvey birdfeeder yard. John’s photos show some nice features to easily distinguish it from the similar Cooper’s Hawk.

Note the pencil-thin legs, tailfeathers equal in length, horizontally (adult) barred chest extending to the undertail coverts, among other features. The adult usually has a red eye, which has not happened in this individual as yet, so it is assumed to be a young adult bird.


**A reminder of an event coming up this Saturday:

An indoor workshop presentation that may interest many naturalists is taking place this coming Saturday, January 4, at 232 Botsford St. in Moncton starting at 1:00 PM.

Learn about how to make a difference this year by starting native plants in your own yard for the birds and bees.

The presentation entitled New Year, New Roots will demonstrate to participants the opportunity to get seeds for winter sowing of native plants, a season that stretches out until February for some species, something most of us may not be aware of.

It will consist of 3 workshops:

1:30 PM- English-language winter sowing presentation (How to winter sow, some containers to use, some native plant features)

2:00 PM - Nature journaling workshop on seeds and winter plants!

3:00 PM - French-language winter sowing presentation (How to winter sow, some containers to use, some native plant features)

For those who want to sign up and participate, register at the link below under ‘Reserve a Spot’ now as early birds will get free seeds:


The presenter will be Sam LeGresley from NatureNB and Nature Moncton member. Sam has developed a lot of expertise with native planting and how to go about doing so “in January”.



**Bob Blake in Second North River maintains daily weather statistics from his home, including morning low temperatures, daily high temperatures, and monthly precipitation.

A table is shown below as Bob submits it, comparing his statistics for December 2023 with December 2024.

From this small sample, it shows December 2024 to be slightly warmer than December 2023 with the precipitation reversal from predominantly rain in 2023 to predominantly snow in 2024.




morning temperatures

daily highs and rainfall

morning temperatures

daily highs and rainfall

+11-1 day





















103 mm. rain

15 cm. snow




























30 mm. rain

61 cm. snow







 Nelson Poirier

Nature Moncton