Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Monday, 19 January 2015

January 19 2015

**  Tomorrow, Jan. 20, is Nature Moncton members’ night at the Mapleton Park pavilion at 7 p.m., with the opportunity for members to share short vignettes of activities and events from 2014. The scope is very open and broad. We have a group with diverse interests and lots to share. Presentations on virtually any nature subject usually run 15-20 minutes. Let president John know about anything you want to share, at 384-7212, or e-mail John at fosterjs@nb.sympatico.ca so he can coordinate the evening’s events. Presentations lined up so far include local orchids, bee-keeping convention coming up, the trailer park planned for the Shediac area, Centennial Park bridge work and probably more.
**  To update on a comment from yesterday, Carmella Melanson reports that she did see LAPLAND LONGSPUR [Bruant lapon] among the HORNED LARKS [Alouette hausse-col] around the Prescott farm at the Tantramar Marsh on Wednesday, Jan. 14, and got a nice photo, which is attached.
**  Paula Lansdale reports that they had a large influx of finches in their feeder yard near Alma on Sunday, when a flock of 100+ AMERICAN GOLDFINCHES [Chardonneret jaune], PINE SISKINS [Tarin des pins] and COMMON REDPOLLS [Sizerin flammé] arrived in late morning.
**  Rosaire Richard updates on the male NORTHERN CARDINAL [Cardinal rouge] that arrived at his Cocagne feeder in November; it continues to be a daily regular.
**  Bob Blake reports a flock of approximately 30 SNOW BUNTINGS [Bruant des neiges], appearing to be interested in roadway salt and/or grit, in the Wheaton Settlement area []on Sunday.  [Transcriber’s note: Yesterday, I noticed COMMON REDPOLLS [Sizerin flammé] apparently after the same materials. Besides visiting my seed feeders, they would hop around under my car, where copious amounts of salty, sandy slush had fallen from the wheel wells. — DSC]
**  Jean-Paul and Stella LeBlanc in Bouctouche report that their finch increase came as PINE SISKINS [Tarin des pins], with a flock of 30 arriving on Sunday. 
The finch winter has really taken off.
To view the photos mentioned in this edition go to http://nminfoline.blogspot.ca/.
Nelson Poirier,
Nature Moncton

Lapland Longspur 14jan2014.Carmella Melanson