Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Wednesday 19 August 2015

August 19 2015

**We have lots of BOBCATS in NB but yet a species not often seen by humans due to their secretive lifestyle. Julie Pellerin was surprised to spot a bobcat cross the Cape Brûlé Rd. near her home with a small mammal prey in its mouth. A neighbour had startled a bobcat checking out a garbage can earlier in the season, so it may be the same one in the area. 
Julie comments warbler migration seems to be well underway. She spotted five different species in one tree recently. Seeing lots of YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS, one PINE WARBLER, BLACK AND WHITE WARBLERS and AMERICAN REDSTARTS. On SHOREBIRDS she is seeing the regularly expected ones at the moment. Julie recently checked the Pointe du Chene area TERN raft platform erected by the Shediac Bay Watershed Group. There are only a few young-of-the-year birds still on the platform showing downy feathers with many fledged birds on nearby sandbars. 
Nelson Poirier

Nature Moncton