Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Saturday 14 November 2015

Nov 14 2015

**The seasonal ritual of Crows [Corneille] establishing night roosts in the city is underway. Marlene Hickman comments on driving along Trinity Drive passing the Costco location on Friday evening to note what suggested to be hundreds of Crows flying over, looking for their night roost. Marlene comments it brought back reminders of a scene from Alfred Hitchcock’s movie The Birds. She noted their erratic flight pattern. They will choose certain sites within the city to spend the nights in huge groups. One huge group in recent years has chosen an area near the former Future Shop location, now Best Buy, and I’ve seen crowds of people gathering in the parking lot watching the group assembling themselves at dusk.

Anna Tucker shares a few photos taken at the Tantramar Wetlands site adjacent the high school and across from the Sackville Waterfowl Park to remind us it is a nice site to include on visits to the SWP.

**It’s Nature Moncton meeting night this coming Tuesday evening, November 17th. Our guest speaker will be Tony Diamond on changes in wildlife in the Bay of Fundy. Tony is an excellent and knowledgeable speaker and will have some very updated information to share; it promises to be a don’t-miss presentation on the life and times of the famous Bay in our midst. The announcement is attached.
 This is also the meeting when New Brunswick farmer Mike Dickinson arrives with some of his season’s Sunflower [Tourne-soleil] crop for sale, again at $15 per bag as it has remained for many years. For all those who have ordered bags, be there early to pick it up. For any further last-minute orders, phone Dale Gaskin at 734-2497.

Tony Diamond and the changes in bird live in and around the Bay of Fundy
For the last 20 years Tony Diamond has been privileged to be involved with a variety of studies of birds up and down the Bay of Fundy. In addition to being one of the most respected professional ornithologists of our province he has fostered the love of birds and the knowledge of our avifauna in a myriad of students over his several decades as a professor at UNB. Based on his wealth of experience Tony will try to summarize for us, the major changes he has seen in that time in and around the waters of the bay, illustrated with some examples of case studies ranging from sandpipers to seabirds and songbirds.
This is definitively one presentation you don’t want to miss!

Nelson Poirier

Nature Moncton