Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Nov 25 2015

**  Vicki Daley had a great woodpecker day to her feeder yard on Tuesday with 2 DOWNY WOODPECKERS, 1 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER  and 1 NORTHERN FLICKER, all of which enjoyed feeding on shelled peanuts and peanut butter. 

** The cold and a bit of snow quickly brought a troop of AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS to our feeder yard on Tuesday for the first time. I was surprised they seemed to go directly to a hanging feeder of sunflower chips even though ground food was available. It strikes me in other years they'd much preferred ground applied white millet. At least one SONG SPARROW is staying around and two NORTHERN FLICKERS are now regulars. Other expected regulars are making the feeder area active.