Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Dec 23 2015

**The suspected ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER that Bob and Shirley Child's is hosting was spotted at Cathy Smith's suet feeder just down the street from the Child's, so would appear to be sampling buffets of two spots on Court St. in Riverview. Photos still being worked on. 

**David Christie found an interesting fish washed up on the Mary's Point beach last Friday.  One called the GOOSEFISH, AKA MONKFISH. This is a bottom dwelling fish that waves a lure like structure to attract other smaller fish which it preys upon. The specimen Dave came across was 15cm long but ones that he has found before range from 35-50 cm in length and can reach up to over a meter and weigh up to 25 kilograms. These larger specimens would be out in the very deep water and seldom seen ashore.  Dave got photos of his recent specimen. In one photo the lure spine is laying flat along the center line of the head, a flap of skin at its tip attracts small fish as food. This GOOSEFISH has a  number of injuries to the skin and both eyes, likely caused as waves pushed the dead fish up onto the beach.  In the head on photo the pale lure spine is standing erect and a darker spine inclined a bit to the left is less easily seen behind it. The abundance of short sharp teeth are obvious in its large mouth. A smaller fish grabbed by that mouth probably would have very little chance of escaping. 
There are so many members of Mother Nature's underwater community that we seldom get to see. 

**The Chignecto Naturalist's Club has arranged for Mount A physics department to give an evening presentation on general astronomy that sounds great for amateur skywatchers like most naturalists are. The details of the evening and storm date are added to this transcription to mark off calendars early.
Field trip  - Saturday, January 16th,  NATURE BEYOND OUR EARTH! (Please note this is an evening gathering)
Meet at 7:00 PM at the Mount Allison University Dunn Building at the corner of York and Salem Streets for a glimpse of Nature Beyond Our Earth. A general astronomy talk will cover a host of subjects including planets, moons, stars and galaxies followed by a tour of the observatory and viewing of the night sky if conditions permit. Storm date will be January 23rd.
Presented by the Mt. A Physics Dept.
Nelson Poirier,

Nature Moncton