Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Dec 30 2015

** Gilles Bourque had a very rewarding day on Monday getting the TUFTED TITMOUSE at 67 Rue Desroches  in Bouctouche, the SNOWY OWL at the Caissie Cape wharf and the PINE WARBLER and NORTHERN CARDINAL at Jean-Paul and Stella Leblanc's Bouctouche feeder yard. There were also NORTHERN PINTAILS, GREEN WINGED TEAL and a BELTED KINGFISHER in and around the Bouctouche lagoon. 
The early bird does get the worm! I could not go out until noon when it started snowing heavily and missed all the goodies.  

** Doreen Rossiter comments the snowfall of Sunday surely brought her Alma bird feeder yard to life.  Many DARK-EYED JUNCOS and AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS appeared and the female NORTHERN CARDINAL that had first arrived in November had only been seen sporadically until December 27 when it became a permanent resident since.  BLACK CAPPED CHICKADEE numbers seem exceptionally high with 12-15 around most of the time. Doreen comments on December 26, before the snowfall, a dandelion was in very full bloom on her lawn just like it was spring. That thought must have changed quickly! 

** Peggy Barnett has had a NORTHERN FLICKER arrive to her Johnson Ave. feeder yard, near the city hospital.  It came to suet and peanut butter.  
We had two earlier but have not seen them in over a week. 
Nelson Poirier,
Nature Moncton