Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Feb 16 2016

**  It’s Nature Moncton meeting night tonight, Tuesday February 16, with details at the end of this message.
** Louise Nichols comments Waxwings continue to be very actively present in the courtyard of the Arts Building of the University of Moncton.  The species proportion a few weeks ago was very predominantly CEDAR WAXWINGS [Jaseur d’Amérique} but now has become predominantly BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS [Jaseur boréal] with a flock of approximately 500 present on Monday.  There’s also AMERICAN ROBINS [Merle d’Amérique] blended in.  The berry crop is very diminished but the birds continue to come and are very used to people travelling the pathways among them.

** What a change in the activity around the heated water dish in the bird feeder area on Tuesday morning. During the cold snap it was very busy with patrons taking liquid refreshment from the edge; with the rising temperature on Tuesday morning, many patrons are diving in for an enjoyable bath in the balmy temperature.

** Yearly MEMBERSHIP DUES are easily put on the back burner.  The day to day operational expenses of Nature Moncton are covered by membership dues; these include such items as meeting place rentals, telephone line for the Information Line, audio visual and recording equipment, blog spot, Nature NB membership, speaker expenses, newsletter, workshops, field trips and other surprise expenses — all THANKS to members who have renewed -- their 2015-2016 membership that has kept Nature Moncton in shape.  For those who have not renewed membership for the present year as yet, could you please print the attached membership form and submit to membership coordinator Shirley Hunt at tonight’s meeting on her RETIREMENT night before our new Membership person takes over.  If you are not at the meeting tonight, please mail in your form with your cheque today before it is forgotten.  The membership coordinator and treasurer will thank you very much in advance for making their voluntary efforts a bit easier.   Membership is not requested for those members outside the tri-county area of Westmorland, Albert, and Kent county.   Those folks using Nature Moncton services outside these areas are considered very welcome guests and paid membership is not requested.  The Nature Moncton board has made membership completely on the honour system with no restriction on the use of Nature Moncton services to be dependent on paid up membership.  This honour system has worked in the past and hopefully will continue.  However, an up to date membership card is required for the 10% discount at J&P Farm Services.  

** The February Nature Moncton meeting is coming up tonight at the Mapleton Rotary Lodge located across from Cabela’s at 7 pm.  Our guest speaker Nicholas LeComte, from the Université de Moncton, will have some very interesting information to share on the life and times of Semipalmated Sandpipers which were historically the most widespread and numerous shorebird species in the Western Hemisphere.  Nicholas and his colleagues have done very ground breaking investigations with the use of geo-locators attached to the birds in the wintering grounds and their breeding grounds.  The results are showing ways to understand their decline in order to address the reasons why it is happening.   Nicholas will be letting us all revisit one of our favourite summer scenarios - the SANDPIPER MIGRATION.  As always all are welcome !   

** Tonight’s meeting will be chaired by Dale Gaskin.  The search for a new slate of officers is underway to fill vacancies and lots of changes are being considered.  The business meeting will be shortened considerably with that part of the meeting more directed to upcoming activities planned for Nature Moncton and it is planned to bring back liveliness to the sightings portion and any members with photos or items to project for the group, to bring them along on a flash drive or memory chip to share with the group.

Nelson Poirier

Nature Moncton