Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Friday 9 September 2016

Sept 9 2016

** The colourful plant commonly known as BUTTER-AND-EGGS [Linaire commune] continues to bloom at the moment. Aldo Dorio contributes a photo of a Butter-and-eggs plant in full bloom on Thursday.
** The Nature Moncton website has been updated with the write-ups now on it for the the September 20th and October 18th meeting presentations which are expected to be excellent. Check on the www.naturemoncton.com and go to "Upcoming Events" to read all about it. There are lots more activities in the planning stages that will be posted as write-ups on them are prepared. The Information Line will be giving heads-up notices as they go on the site.
** A mushroom I don't tend to see too often is the YELLOW LATEX MILKY MUSHROOM [Lactaire à lait jaune]. We saw several at Beaubears Island at  Miramichi on Saturday. There are a lot of White and Red Pine on Beaubears Island and this species likes being associated with pine. When the flesh is cut when fresh, it oozes a white latex that quickly starts to turn yellow. It's not a suggested edible. The CHICKEN FAT SUILLUS MUSHROOM was in huge numbers as well, as it fruits associated especially with White Pine.
** This week's Sky-at-a-Glance is added courtesy of Curt Nason.
This Week's Sky at a Glance, September 10 - September 17
Technically, any three stars in the sky will form some sort of a
triangle, but there are those that stand out. The brightness of Mars,
Saturn and Antares is still eye-catching to even a casual stargazer;
forming a triangle both pretty and acute. Overhead in early evening is
the best known celestial threesome, the isosceles Summer Triangle of
Vega, Deneb and Altair. Straddling the Milky Way, each star is the
brightest in their respective constellations of Lyra the Harp, Cygnus
the Swan and Aquila the Eagle. An ancient tale of Eastern mythology
depicted Vega and Altair as lovers separated by a river (the Milky Way).
I look at them as an updated version of that tale, that of Running Bear
and White Dove in the Johnny Preston hit written by the Big Bopper, J.P.
Richardson. Wouldn't the Big Bopper be a good name for a constellation?

With the Summer Triangle overhead, the constellation Triangulum the (you
guessed it) Triangle is low in the east below Andromeda. Known as a
constellation for thousands of years, it has been said to represent the
Nile Delta or the island of Sicily. Now that summer is fading, and if
you can't wait for winter, just look to the east in morning darkness for
the Winter Triangle. Orange Betelgeuse in Orion's armpit joins with
Orion's companion Dog Stars of Sirius and Procyon to form an equilateral
triangle. All three stars make the top ten in brightness, with Sirius
leading the pack.

This Week in the Solar System

Saturday's sunrise in Moncton is at 6:52 am and sunset will occur at
7:39 pm, giving 12 hours, 47 minutes of daylight (6:57 am and 7:44 pm in
Saint John). Next Saturday the Sun will rise at 7:00 am and set at 7:26
pm, giving 12 hours, 26 minutes of daylight (7:06 am and 7:30 pm in
Saint John).

The full Harvest Moon shines on us next Friday, September 16. For
several days a near full Moon will rise soon after sunset. Mercury is at
inferior conjunction on Monday, passing between us and the Sun. Later
this month it will begin its best morning viewing for the year. Jupiter
is only a couple of weeks away from passing behind the Sun and is now
out of sight. Venus continues to hang out low in the west at sunset, but
it is bright enough to pick out before the Sun goes down if you are
looking in the right spot. The eastward movement of Mars makes an
ever-lengthening triangle with Saturn and Antares in the southwest.

The Saint John Astronomy Club meets at the Rockwood Park Interpretation
Centre at 7 pm on September 10. The William Brydone Jack Astronomy Club
resumes its monthly meetings on Tuesday at 7 pm in the Forestry / Earth
Sciences Building at UNB Fredericton, and the RASC NB club meets in the
same location at 1 pm on September 17. All are welcome and there are no
fees to attend.

Questions? Contact me at
Nelson Poirier,

Nature Moncton

Summer Triangle