Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Tuesday 14 March 2017

March 14 2017


To respond by e-mail, please address your message to the information line editor nelson@nb.sympatico.ca   Please advise if any errors are noted in wording or photo labeling.
For more information on Nature Moncton, check the website at www.naturemoncton.com
Edited by: Nelson Poirier nelson@nb.sympatico.ca
Transcript by : Louise Richard richlou@nbnet.nb.ca
Info Line # 506-384-6397 (384-NEWS)
** The Chisholm folks at 67 Desroches St in Bouctouche hosted a TUFTED TITMOUSE [Mésange bicolore] last winter that so many of us enjoyed an audience with have another special bird patron this year — a BOREAL CHICKADEE [Mésange à tête brune] that has been visiting the past 2 weeks.  Jean-Paul and Stella LeBlanc saw it on Monday and got a photo of it.  As they were birding the Bouctouche area, the LeBlanc’s also saw a BROWN CREEPER [Grimpereau brun], always a special bird to see busy as they always are.
** Dave Christie spotted a good sized WOODCHUCK [Marmotte] out checking things in a field at Mary’s Point on Monday.  It seems early for this deep hibernator, as there can’t be much available to start its spring foraging on vegetation.  Dave also comments he noted approximately 125 blackbirds around John Inman’s yard, seemingly a blend of both COMMON GRACKLES [Quiscale bronzé] and RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS [Carouge à épaulettes] and saw blackbirds elsewhere in the area, however, he has had only 2 Red-Winged Blackbirds drop by his own yard briefly so far, expect that will change soon.

Nelson Poirier
Nature Moncton