Editor & Proofreader

Editor: Nelson Poirier    Proofreader: Louise Nichols

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Dec 15 2015

**  The MONCTON CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT is coming up this coming Saturday, December 19, with arrangements completed by coordinator Roger LeBlanc.  Saturday is actually count day, but count week includes 3 days before and 3 days after count day, that means count week includes Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week, and Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of next week.  So any different bird species seen during this week period become very important to be included in the tally.  If anyone spots birds of interest during this period, leave a message with the Information Line either by responding to the daily email or on the line directly at 384-6397; and that information will be passed on to Roger to be included.  Many less commonly encountered species like Owls, Brown Creepers, Mockingbirds, Peregrine Falcon, and others could be easily missed on Count Day — so keep watch for birds in the count zone and get them tallied.  Again this means count week starts TOMORROW, Wednesday, and goes to next Tuesday inclusively.   There are many possibilities for count week, so start watching especially closely, tomorrow through next Tuesday.
Nelson Poirier

Nature Moncton